Well besides my computer in general, I have another obsession…
See, I have an extremely addictive personality. Thank God I’m afraid of drugs or getting sick while drinking, because I would most likely have a problem.
My obsessions are usually kinda on the pathetic side. Which is exactly what this post is about…
Facebook games. I will give a run down of the games I play.. constantly. Café World, FrontierVille, FarmVille, CityVille, CountryLife, CafeLife. And Treasure Isle, FishVille and Social City I play sometimes. That’s 9 games total.. 6 I play on the regular. I would say I have a slight addiction, no?
Want to know the saddest part? When I’m in the car and I see a house’s landscape badly done I think of FarmVille and how I wish I had a giant mouse so I could click away at their bushes and flowers and move them around to make it look better. When I see trees with fruits or flowers on them I think… READY TO HARVEST! It’s horrible.
Almost every night when I’m making dinner I think of Café World but not to the extreme like FarmVille. When I play in Café Life I get sad because I want to go to my café and have a nice cup of Caramel Macchiato. But then again I can just go to Barnes and Noble and have a big cup of CM and be 100x happier with all the books around me.
So basically to sum this up… I need a life. But if someone tried to take my computer away from me.. I would probably look like this dude...