
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Losing Weight

I have been on a calorie counting diet since April 24, a SlimFast diet since about 3 weeks ago and going to the gym almost daily since May 15. Finally on Saturday for the first time in about 5 years I felt good about myself. I have lost a total of 9 pounds! Now, that may not be a lot or even enough to be noticeable to others that I have in fact lost weight, but it was a huge milestone to me. Every ten pounds I lose will be like winning the lottery. I'm proud of myself and even more motivated than I was before. I am hoping that during this summer I can actually buy some clothes and feel comfy and not like a whale who everyone is talking about. So hopefully I will have enough confidence to post some pics of my progress. If not, I'll just write here and there about my accomplishment.

P.S. Eating healthier can actually be fun and tastes great!!

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